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All posts tagged with “Hospice Provider News | Leadership.”

Why Nurses Quit

07/05/24 at 03:00 AM

Why Nurses QuitMedscape; by Jodi Helmer; 6/27/24Over 262,000 registered nurses (RNs) graduate yearly; 33 percent quit within the first 2 years. "Retention is a huge issue in nursing," says Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, president of the American Nurses Association (ANA). "COVID highlighted the issue, but these problems existed well before [the pandemic], and what we're seeing is a failure to truly do something about it." ... Diagnosing the Problem: burnout, work environment, inadequate staffing. Finding a Cure: legislation, residencies and mentorship, improved work conditions, resources for self-care.

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Apply now for AHA’s 2025 Circle of Life Award recognizing end-of-life and hospice care providers

07/03/24 at 02:10 AM

Apply now for AHA’s 2025 Circle of Life Award recognizing end-of-life and hospice care providersAmerican Hospital Association press release; 5/30/24Applications are open through July 24 for AHA’s 2025 Circle of Life Award, which recognizes hospitals and health systems that advance end-of-life and hospice care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective and equitable. There will be up to three recipients of the award, and Citations of Honor may also be presented to other noteworthy programs.

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NAHC-NHPCO Alliance Transition Board met for 1st time last week

07/02/24 at 03:00 AM

NAHC-NHPCO Alliance Transition Board met for 1st time last weekNAHC press release; 7/1/24Today, July 1, 2024, is the first day of the NAHC-NHPCO Alliance. While the two organizations will continue to operate separately in some areas until the end of the year, they are now governed by a single body, the Transition Board, which held its inaugural meeting last week. “This is an important step in the process of transitioning from our fiduciary duties as governing bodies of NAHC and NHPCO respectively, to a singular focus on our duties of care, obedience and loyalty to what is now the merged entity,” said Alliance Transition Board Chair Ken Albert. “From July 1 on, we are NAHC-NHPCO Alliance (soon to be named)..." Until the Alliance hires a new CEO, Bill Dombi and Ben Marcantonio will be acting as co-CEOs of the organization, and will be closely consulting with each other on all important matters. Below is a full list of attendees at the Transition Board meeting.

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Hospices’ 2024 Public Policy Priorities

07/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospices’ 2024 Public Policy Priorities Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 6/27/24 A group of hospice leaders recently participated in Hospice Action Week, a lobbying event held last week by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the Hospice Action Network. In their meetings with legislators, providers made known their policy priorities. A key goal of these discussions was to establish open lines of communication with congressional offices to foster continued advocacy on hospice issues, according to NHPCO COO and interim CEO Ben Marcantonio. [Key issues include:]

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[Four-day workweeks:] A flexibility trend gaining steam in nursing

07/01/24 at 03:00 AM

[Four-day workweeks:] A flexibility trend gaining steam in nursing Becker's Clinical Leadership; by Erica Carbajal; 6/26/24 A growing number of health systems are embracing  four-day workweeks for nurse leaders — a strategy that has helped some boost recruitment, retention and staff engagement. Over the past year, the needs and well-being of nurse managers have come into focus, with hospitals and health systems taking a closer look at how to best support them in addition to bedside nurses. Survey findings have indicated nurse managers have a hard time fully disconnecting from work, and they crave much of the same work environment factors that front-line nurses do, such as the ability to take time off when needed and work-life balance support. As such, four-day schedules have increasingly become part of the conversation at many hospitals and health systems. 

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Proven tips for recruiting top talent: Train the interviewers

07/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Proven tips for recruiting top talentTCN Talks; by Tina Houser; 6/26/24 We train for many events in life, like spelling bees and marathons. We also need to train the person interviewing candidates. Our interviewers are critical in selecting the right candidates who contribute to the company’s success and overall culture. Interviewers need training and essential resources to conduct effective and fair interviews in order to choose the best overall talent. ... There are five key elements to training interviewers. They range from simple to more complex but they are all equally important.

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Health system C-suites expanding

06/29/24 at 03:00 AM

Health system C-suites expanding Becker's Hospital Review - Leadership & Management; by Laura Dyrda; 6/18/24 Health system C-suites are evolving to meet the changing needs and priorities of the organization. Roles focused on the patient experience, sustainability and health equity are on the rise. Large and small health systems are revamping their C-suites to tackle new projects and oversee emerging areas of growth. Others are elevating clinical and IT leaders as their core accountabilities become an essential aspect of hospital strategy moving forward. Here are five emerging roles at health systems across the country.

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7 of the top tech and IT jobs in demand for the future

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

7 of the top tech and IT jobs in demand for the future TechTarget; by David Weldon; 6/24/24 Businesses of the future will rely on workers with IT skills even more than they do today. Find out which jobs might be most in demand and what those roles entail. ... Organizations are having to create new tech roles and redefine existing ones to manage the integration of AI and data into core business functions. Meanwhile, cybersecurity continues to be a top concern, as do digital transformation and cloud computing. These challenges are increasing the demand for job roles that merge technical expertise with strategic business acumen. ... So, what will be some of the hottest IT jobs of the future? ... Roles are listed in alphabetical order. 

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From nurse to CEO: 2 executives reflect on their paths to the top

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

From nurse to CEO: 2 executives reflect on their paths to the top Becker's Hospital Review - Leadership & Management; by Erica Carbajal; 6/25/24 Throughout their careers, Laureen Driscoll, MSN, RN, and Kathy Tussey, DNP, RN, remained open to change and said yes more often than no, even to opportunities about which they were skeptical or knew would be a challenge. Today, Ms. Driscoll is chief executive of Providence's South Division, which spans 17 hospitals in Northern and Southern California, and Dr. Tussey is CEO of Harrison Memorial Hospital in Cynthiana, Ky. Neither envisioned pursuing a path to the top role when they began their healthcare careers as bedside nurses. ... Hospital and health system CEOs with a background in nursing appear to be few and far between, though the true proportion of nurse CEOs in healthcare is unclear due to a lack of data. Becker's recently caught up with Ms. Driscoll and Dr. Tussey to learn more about their career trajectories and their top pieces of advice for other nurses eyeing a path to the helm. 

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'We may not ever be fully staffed': Health system C-suites plan for the future

06/27/24 at 03:15 AM

'We may not ever be fully staffed': Health system C-suites plan for the future Becker's Hospital Review - Leadership & Management; by Laura Dyrda; 6/24/24 After the pandemic, most healthcare leaders experienced a "great resignation" as workers left for other service industries and ever since health systems have been dealing with a lack of skilled labor to backfill the vacancies. "As we have realized we may not ever be fully staffed to the degree we were pre-COVID, we now must augment our existing workforce with technology that extends their capabilities," said Mark Moseley, MD, president of USF Tampa General Physicians and executive vice president of Tampa General Hospital. "This is a two-part challenge. First, we need to deploy technology thoughtfully with sound blocking and tackling, which is expensive in both time and capital. Second, we must train our workforce to use these new technologies to aid them in their daily responsibilities in a manner that does not diminish the ethos of why many of us went into healthcare: the interactions with patients and members of the healthcare team." Physicians and nurses can fall on a wide spectrum of excitement or distaste for incorporating technology into their practice. Some may find it impersonal and challenging to understand while others see it as a tool boosting their capacity. ... [Click on the title's link to continue reading.]

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Big Bend Hospice names leaders to head Seven Oaks Health

06/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Big Bend Hospice names leaders to head Seven Oaks Health Business Wire, Tallahassee, Florida; 6/25/24 Big Bend Hospice, a leading provider of end-of-life care in Florida's Big Bend region, announced key leadership promotions today to head its new parent company, Seven Oaks Health. The promotions position Seven Oaks Health for continued growth in fulfilling its mission of reimagining healthcare for those facing chronic, serious, or terminal illness, with a focus on empowering patients to live healthier lives wherever they call home.

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From C-suite to scrubs, CEO takes a walk in employees' shoes

06/25/24 at 02:00 AM

From C-suite to scrubs, CEO takes a walk in employees' shoes Becker's Hospital Review - Leadership & Management; by Madeline Ashley; 6/20/24 Todd Forkel, CEO of Altru Health System in Grand Forks, N.D., quite literally knows what it's like to walk in his colleagues shoes, and it's all because of a program called "Shadow Me, Todd." Mr. Forkel has been CEO of Altru for more than two years, but has been in healthcare for 32 years with 13 years of CEO experience. A nonprofit health system, Altru comprises around 3,400 employees, including more than 300 providers across 65 care specialties. ... In the program, Mr. Forkel will shadow a different colleague two to four times a month, typically in the morning or afternoon. 

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The ‘Inter-AI’ Period: 7 key actions leaders should take now 

06/24/24 at 03:00 AM

The ‘Inter-AI’ Period: 7 key actions leaders should take now CEOWorld Magazine; by Nada R. Sanders, PhD; 6/20/24 Generative AI is not transient, part of a hype cycle, or a fleeting trend. It’s a game-changing innovation that’s opened the door to novel human-machine partnerships, AI-driven superintelligence, and a new way to win in business. In the AI timeline, we’ve entered “The Inter-AI Period,” a small window of opportunity where leaders can shape how they use AI now and in the future. This window of opportunity is short—perhaps a few years at most—after which decision processes embedded in AI will harden. ... By studying transformative AI leaders ... and conducting interviews with dozens of corporate CEOs, we’ve identified seven key actions every leader should take now:

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NAHC, NHPCO ink deal completing affiliation

06/21/24 at 03:00 AM

NAHC, NHPCO ink deal completing affiliation Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 6/18/24 The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) have announced the completion of their affiliation agreement. The affiliation joins two of the largest organizations representing, educating and advocating for home health and hospice providers that serve millions of disabled, elderly and dying Americans across the country. Board chairs and c-suite executives at NAHC and NHPCO recently met in Washington D.C. to ink the deal. The affiliation is rooted in a shared belief that unification will benefit their respective members and ultimately the patients and families they serve, according to NAHC President and CEO William Dombi.  

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Compliance landmines in the hospice regulatory landscape

06/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Compliance landmines in the hospice regulatory landscape Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 6/14/24 Hospice providers are navigating a minefield in today’s regulatory environment to avoid getting caught up in the mix of fraudulent activity in the space. The current state of hospice regulations has providers walking compliance tightropes, according to Patrick Harrison, senior director of regulatory and compliance at the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). Fraud, waste and abuse exist in several different industries and health care is no exception. But the majority of hospices are striving to provide quality end-of-life experiences to terminally ill patients and their families, Harrison said at the Hospice News Elevate conference in Washington D.C. 

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Mt. Hood Hospice honors women veterans with event

06/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Mt. Hood Hospice honors women veterans with event NewsBreak; by Brit Allen; 6/15/24 On Wednesday, June 12, Jolie Phanton, community outreach director for the organization took Mt. Hood’s veterans services a step further with a National Women Veterans Recognition Day celebration at Clackamas County Bank. The event featured a presentation on the history of women’s involvement in American-involved conflicts, as far back as the Revolutionary War up to current day. She spoke about how women have for a long time served as nurses, supply distributers, informants, and before they were allowed to fight alongside men, some disguised themselves as men and risked their lives on the battlefield. Women have also played many other roles in the military over the past 200 years. [Click on the title's link to read more.]Editor's Note: While we have highlighted various hospice veterans' stories, this brings fresh insights, information, and ideas. Thank you, Mt. Hood Hospice!

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New AMA president says he's ready to take on big challenges facing doctors amid payment cuts and rising burnout rates

06/19/24 at 03:00 AM

New AMA president says he's ready to take on big challenges facing doctors amid payment cuts and rising burnout rates Fierce Healthcare; by Emma Beavins; 6/13/24 Bruce Scott, M.D., took the reins of the American Medical Association (AMA) for his first full day on Wednesday, June 12, succeeding immediate past president Jesse Ehrenfeld, M.D. ... During his tenure, Scott said he wants to emphasize the things that unite providers rather than the things that divide them. ... Some of the AMA’s biggest policy priorities include reducing prior authorization, bolstering Medicare payments for physicians and tamping down on increased scope of practice by non-physician providers. Scott said he hopes to follow in the steps of Ehrenfeld in engaging policymakers on these topics. In addition to banding together on those cross-discipline issues, Scott wants to advocate for rural clinics. 

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AAHPM CMO Joe Rotella: Hospice does not exist to save money

06/18/24 at 02:00 AM

AAHPM CMO Joe Rotella: Hospice does not exist to save money Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 6/17/24Dr. Joe Rotella, chief medical officer of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), calls on hospices to maintain their core principles amid a churning sea of regulatory and economic changes. Rotella began his medical career as a primary care physician in a small, rural town in central New Hampshire, where he stayed for 12 years [followed by serving Hospice & Palliative Care of Louisville, KY/Hosparus as Chief Medical director for 15 years]. ... Now, Rotella will soon retire from AAHPM. Hospice News sat down with Rotella to discuss the ways hospice and palliative care have changed during his tenure in the space, as well as the forces shaping the field’s future. ...

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Advocates rally in DC for the future of hospice: NHPCO and HAN amplify provider voices on Capitol Hill

06/17/24 at 03:00 AM

Advocates rally in DC for the future of hospice: NHPCO and HAN amplify provider voices on Capitol Hill NHPCO; Press Release; 6/13/24 More than 100 hospice and palliative care advocates from across the country met with over 150 congressional offices this week to discuss key legislative and regulatory priorities for ensuring and expanding access to hospice and palliative care. The meetings were part of Hospice Action Week, hosted in Washington, DC by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and its advocacy affiliate, the Hospice Action Network (HAN). “The cornerstone of effective advocacy is storytelling. It’s about sharing why hospice holds personal significance and why serious illness and end-of-life care policy should resonate with our lawmakers,” said Logan Hoover, NHPCO’s VP of Policy & Government Relations. “From Hawaii to Rhode Island, advocates from 35 diverse states came to DC this year. The relationships they’re building with Members of Congress hold the potential to shape the future of the healthcare landscape.” 

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4 CFOs' keys to improved operating performance

06/17/24 at 03:00 AM

4 CFOs' keys to improved operating performance Becker's Hospital CFO Report; by Andrew Cass; 6/13/24Altru, Memorial Health, Penn State Health and Sharp HealthCare are among the systems that reported improved year over year operating performance in their most recent financial reports.  Becker's asked the CFOs of the four health systems to share one key to their boosted operating performance: ...

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Discharge for non-compliance?

06/17/24 at 03:00 AM

Discharge for non-compliance?[Podcast] CHAPcast; 6/12/24Ever wondered why patients miss their medication schedules despite clear instructions? Our enlightening conversation with Dr. Kate Jones reveals the critical shift from simply labeling patients as "non-compliant" to understanding the complexities behind "patient adherence." Discover how patient-centered care and shared decision-making can transform healthcare outcomes and why addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) is paramount for effective and realistic care plans.

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Rep. Earl Blumenauer plans landmark hospice reform bill

06/14/24 at 03:15 AM

Rep. Earl Blumenauer plans landmark hospice reform billHospice News; by Jim Parker; 6/13/24Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) is drafting a landmark bill that, if enacted, would represent the most significant reforms to date for hospice payment and oversight. Blumenauer announced the bill, the Hospice Care Accountability, Reform, and Enforcement (Hospice CARE) Act, on Thursday at the Hospice News Elevate conference in Washington D.C. Though the bill language is still in development, key provisions will likely include a new payment mechanism for high-acuity palliative services, changes to the per-diem payment process and actions to improve quality and combat fraud.

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Top News Stories of the Month May 2024 - TCN Podcast

06/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Top News Stories of the Month May 2024 - TCN Podcast TCN Talks - Teleios Collaborative Network; Mark Cohen, Cordt Kassner and Joy Berger; 6/13/24In this week’s podcast, Mark Cohen, Cordt Kassner, and Joy Berger discuss the top news stories in the Hospice community for the month of May.  Additionally, they take you behind the scenes of how newsletters like Hospice News Today was assembled each day and how Hospice & Palliative Care Today is produced for your leadership to use, each day.

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Haven Hospice team members win three Florida Hospice and Palliative Care Association awards

06/11/24 at 03:15 AM

Haven Hospice team members win three Florida Hospice and Palliative Care Association awardsPress release; 6/5/24Gainesville, FL: Three Haven Hospice team members were awarded with Florida Hospice and Palliative Care Association (FHPCA) Awards of Excellence at the 2024 FHPCA 39th Forum in Orlando, Florida.

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Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care grieves the death of hospice leader

06/07/24 at 03:30 AM

Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care grieves the death of hospice leaderThe Times Weekly; by Times Weekly Staff; 6/6/24 One of the former CEOs of Joliet Area Community Hospice, now known as Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care, has died. Duane Krieger was instrumental in the efforts to acquire land and build the first hospice residence in Illinois. Until this time, hospice care in this state was provided in patients’ homes and facilities. “Duane’s passion and dedication to building a free-standing hospice facility in Joliet was unwavering, said Mary Kay Sheehan, CEO of Lightways Hospice and Serious Illness Care. “Duane understood the need and knew who to talk to, in both the private and public sector, to secure funding and pass the regulations to build this hospice home and elevate the level of and access to hospice care. Duane always went above and beyond to ensure the residents of Joliet and the surrounding area had access to the care they needed. He was an inspiration and a true leader who will be missed.”

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