Medical marijuana may be sold in pharmacies, but it is not a medicine

05/02/24 at 03:00 AM

Medical marijuana may be sold in pharmacies, but it is not a medicine 
Psychiatric Times; by Yi-Lang Tang, MD, PhD and Elizabeth McCord, MD; 4/29/24
Commentary: Georgia will soon be the first state in the nation to allow independent pharmacies to sell medical marijuana products, with more than 100 pharmacies already applying to participate. This raises serious health concerns. The public should be aware that medical marijuana is not a medicine and that it differs from US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications in several key ways. ... 
Editor's Note: This article contains a list of what is approved (or not) in each state (with Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico); a brief history of medical marijuana; and differences between medical marijuana and FDA-approved medications.

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