Postpandemic, telehealth preferred in outpatient palliative care setting

05/02/24 at 02:00 AM

Postpandemic, telehealth preferred in outpatient palliative care setting 
Rheumatology Advisor; by Lisa Kuhns, PhD; 5/1/24 
Even after the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine against COVID-19 became available, patients preferred outpatient palliative care visits via video rather than in person, according to study results published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. ... The researchers ... added, “Although telehealth may be preferable for reasons beyond social distancing, this survey found that COVID-19 transmission was still a [postpandemic] concern for some patients, where telehealth can be advantageous. These concerns reflect [an] ongoing sentiment [that] patients with advanced cancer, who are often immune-compromised, have with regards to the pandemic even after widespread vaccine availability and end of COVID-19 restrictions. 

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