The cost of dying is going up, leaving some Florida families scrambling

05/02/24 at 03:00 AM

The cost of dying is going up, leaving some Florida families scrambling 
Tampa Bay Times; by Lauren Peace; 5/1/24 
Christina Nall sat in the hospital parking lot gasping for air. Four hours earlier, her father, Bill Burke, had been alive. He’d eaten Golden Grahams for breakfast and wrapped his grandkids in tight hugs before school. He was putting on his shoes to leave the house when Nall, 33, found him slouched over on the couch. Doctors said it was a blood clot. He was 56 years old. Now, outside the Zephyrhills hospital, a fog of grief hung over Nall as the funeral director’s words cut into her. To get her dad back to his home in Missouri would cost upward of $2,000. The service and burial he wanted would cost another $6,000.

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