Transitional Bridges offers compassionate alternative to plastic belongings bags

05/03/24 at 03:00 AM

Transitional Bridges offers compassionate alternative to plastic belongings bags
ABC 8 News, Richmond, VA; by EIN Presswire; 4/30/24
Transitional Bridges, a San Diego-based nonprofit focused on inspiring compassion and improving end-of-life care through art, has created Transitional Belongings Bags, a compassionate and eco-friendly alternative to the plastic bags hospitals use to hand over belongings to loved ones after a patient has died. The concept was first introduced 17 years ago by the Irish Hospice Foundation Hospice Friendly Hospitals Program to promote dignity and sensitivity when returning a loved one’s possessions to bereaved family and friends. ... Lorene Morris, the founder and president of Transitional Bridges, became inspired to bring the movement to the U.S. after her mother, an artist, died unexpectedly ... When the family was handed their mother's possessions in two large, clear plastic bags, Morris recalls, “I felt like the whole world could see those intimate items. It was just so wrong.” 
Editor's Note: Executive leaders, have you ever been with a family as they leave your hospice facility or inpatient unit, without their loved one who just died? More personally, have you been the family member, leaving with possessions, but not the person? This simple, easy-to-replicate act can shift a stark, "plastic" task to a gentle, compassionate moment. 

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