Psychosocial distress among spouses of persons with dementia before and after their partner's death

06/22/24 at 03:30 AM

Psychosocial distress among spouses of persons with dementia before and after their partner's death
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society; by Ashwin A Kotwal, Irena Cenzer, Lauren J Hunt, Claire Ankuda, Jacqueline M Torres, Alexander K Smith, Melissa Aldridge, Krista L Harrison; 6/24
Results emphasize a need for clinical and policy approaches to expand support for the psychosocial needs of spouses of partners with dementia in the years before their partner's death rather than only bereavement.
Publisher's Note: Also see McKnight's Long-Term Care News story Spousal caregivers need emotional support before losses, not just after, study finds.

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