Hospice charity’s online community ‘at huge risk’ after Meta ban

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospice charity’s online community ‘at huge risk’ after Meta ban 
ThirdSector, United Kingdom; by Emily Harle; 4/26/24
The charity says it has been unable to fully access to its Facebook and Instagram accounts after the admin was banned for posting a hospice advert.  Lewis-Manning Hospice Care has lost access to its Meta Business Manager account, saying the unexpected ban has left it unable to access analytics, fundraising tools and at risk of losing its entire online community. The charity, which offers palliative care for people with life-limiting illnesses and their families across east Dorset, has been left unable to fully manage its Facebook and Instagram accounts for more than a year after an admin was banned by Meta. Olivia Girling, head of marketing and communications at Lewis-Manning Hospice Care, told Third Sector the ban was imposed on the charity’s former marketing manager’s advertising account, after she posted a fundraising advert. Girling said Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, told the charity the ad had “violated community guidelines,” but she insisted it was a “generic hospice marketing post.” When pressed for its reasoning behind the ban, Meta would not give any further explanation, she said.
Editor's Note: Click on the title's link for this important information, inconsistent outcomes, and horrific bans from being able to manage one's own hospice Facebook and Instagram accounts.

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