Special considerations in managing pain and psychosocial distress in patients with opioid use disorder and cancer: the role of the supportive care and psycho-oncology interdisciplinary team
Special considerations in managing pain and psychosocial distress in patients with opioid use disorder and cancer: the role of the supportive care and psycho-oncology interdisciplinary team
Annals of Palliative Medicine; by M Catherine Trimbur, Bridget Sumser, Chelsea Brown, Timothy Steinhoff, Khaldoun Almhanna, Dana Guyer; 7/24
People with a substance use disorder (SUD) have shortened lifespans due to complications from their substance use and challenges engaging with traditional health care settings and institutions. This impact on life expectancy is especially prominent in patients with co-occurring SUDs and cancer, and often has a much worse prognosis from the cancer than a similar patient without a SUD. Palliative care teams are experts in serious illness communication and symptom management and have become increasingly embedded in the routine care of patients with cancer. We argue that the skill set of palliative care teams is uniquely suited for addressing the needs of this oft marginalized group.