Physician engagement in addressing health-related social needs and burnout

01/11/25 at 03:10 AM

Physician engagement in addressing health-related social needs and burnout
JAMA Network Open; Masami Tabata-Kelly, MBA, MA; Xiaochu Hu, PhD; Michael J. Dill, MA; Philip M. Alberti, PhD; Karen Bullock, PhD, LICSW, APHSW-C; William Crown, PhD; Malika Fair, MD, MPH; Peter May, PhD; Pilar Ortega, MD; Jennifer Perloff, PhD; 12/24
In this cross-sectional study of 5,447 nationally representative physicians in the US, 34.3% regularly dedicated time to addressing HRSNs [health-related social needs]. The study identified variability in physicians’ engagement in addressing HRSNs and found that higher engagement was associated with a greater likelihood of burnout. The findings suggest the need for thorough assessment of the potential unintended consequences of physicians’ engagement in addressing HRSNs on their well-being.

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