Whom should we regard as responsible for health record inaccuracies that hinder population-based fact finding?
Whom should we regard as responsible for health record inaccuracies that hinder population-based fact finding?
AMA Journal of Ethics; Kathleen M. Akgün, MD, MS; Shelli L. Feder, PhD, APRN; 1/25
EHR [electronic health record] use has revolutionized health information collection and analysis. This growth has led to opportunities to generate important reports about the health of hundreds of millions of people practically in real time. Steadfast commitment to high-quality data collection and reporting is necessary for all parties along the pathway of data generation: from EHR developers, programmers, and vendors to patients, clinicians, and epidemiologists. Pulling back the curtain on how each of these groups generate and interact with EHR data is imperative to assure measurement of accurate population-level health outcomes.