Nurses' perspectives on end-of-life care for Black/African American patients

02/01/25 at 03:25 AM

Nurses' perspectives on end-of-life care for Black/African American patients
Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing; Aaron, Siobhan P. PhD, RN, FNP-BC; Supiano, Katherine PhD, LCSW, FT, FGSA, APHSW-C; DeSimio, Samantha BS; 2/25
In this qualitative examination of health care disparities based on race and ethnicity, the accounts of Black/African American nurses shed light on a range of critical issues within the health care system. These issues encompass stereotyping, bias, and a notable absence of cultural competence among health care providers, which often result in unequitable treatment for patients of color. Socioeconomic factors, including insurance and income disparities, further exacerbate these inequalities. Discrimination, whether implicit or explicit, continues to affect diagnosis and treatment, with a particular focus on disparities in pain management. Furthermore, the cultural perspectives and historical context surrounding treatment preferences were explored, emphasizing the profound impact of health care literacy, cultural viewpoints, and historical mistrust, especially within the Black/African American community.

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