Chris Comeaux, nationally recognized Hospice leader, announces the release of first leadership book.

12/01/23 at 04:00 AM

Chris Comeaux, nationally recognized Hospice leader, announces the release of first leadership book.
News Release
November 30, 2023
Hendersonville, NC—Chris Comeaux, President/CEO of Teleios Collaborative Network announces the release of his timely book, The Anatomy of Leadership, on November 30, 2023. The Anatomy of Leadership provides a framework for leadership while providing tools and strategies for leaders to develop their skills. Comeaux provides a common definition of leadership to establish a beachhead for other works aimed at leadership development and finding one’s purpose. He draws on his life experience of studying leadership and working as a hospice and serious illness leader for more than 28 years to create this guide for anyone in a leadership position. Whether leading a Sunday school group or a multi-national corporation, The Anatomy of Leadership will help readers understand the deeper meaning of being a leader and reveal the path to building one’s leadership style and living one’s cause and purpose. According to Quint Studer, founder of the Studer Group and author of The Calling: Why Healthcare is So Special, “The question at the heart of this book is one I’ve studied all my life: What is leadership? I’ve met leaders in many areas—healthcare, community revitalization, education—and find Chris’s thoughts on the subject compelling. Chris walks us through his framework while encouraging us to think, journal, envision, and keep doing the unending (lifelong) work of learning to be a leader.” The Anatomy of Leadership is published by Teleios Communications and will be available on Amazon and in print on November 30, 2023.

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