Hospice CEO, Chief Compliance Officer Collaborations Key to Quality

12/13/23 at 03:33 AM

Hospice CEO, Chief Compliance Officer Collaborations Key to Quality
Hospice News
December 11, 2023
The lines of communication between hospice leaders and compliance executives need to be open and transparent in today’s regulatory environment. ... The ability to both understand and navigate shifts in regulations requires a solid relationship between a hospice executive team and its compliance leaders, according to Avow Hospice President and CEO Jaysen Roa. To achieve this, compliance and senior executive teams should foster interlocking collaboration and careful communication, he stated in a recent Husch Blackwell podcast. “It’s having compliance be part of the fabric,” Roa said. “Whether it is redoing some policies and procedures, looking at our code of ethics or how we respond to audits ... it’s all these things that can be esoteric to us [leaders]. When speaking to peers, whether it’s the C-suite, leadership teams or the board, [it’s doing] it in a way where it’s relatable and they understand not only why it’s important, but also the impact of why we’re readying for this. [If] we’re not constantly learning, then that’s a problem—especially in an industry like ours where it’s dynamic and changing every single day.” ... Strong ties between compliance and executive teams are crucial, according to [Chief Compliance Officer and Senior Vice President of Engagement, Kerri Ervin] Ervin. Having honest and transparent communication between compliance officers and hospice executives is key, she said. 

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