Defining key elements of a clinical experience in hospice and palliative medicine for medical residents in the United States

01/26/24 at 04:00 AM

Defining key elements of a clinical experience in hospice and palliative medicine for medical residents in the United States
J Med Educ Curric Dev, by Carolyn E. Kezar and Andrew J. Lawton; 1/23/24
The ACGME [Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education] has ... recognized the importance of HPM [hospice and palliative medicine] training for medical residents, establishing in its 2022 Common Program Requirements for Internal Medicine a new expectation that all residents have a clinical experience in HPM. ... However, internal residencies vary significantly. ... In this perspective, we draw from the available literature and our experience as educators to propose 5 core elements for creating an optimal HPM experience for medical residents.
Editor's Note: Does your hospice support nearby medical schools? Rich opportunities abound.

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