CMS to end Hospice MA Carve-In: Insights for home-based care providers

03/11/24 at 02:00 AM

CMS to end Hospice MA Carve-In: Insights for home-based care providers 
Home Health Care News, by Andrew Donlan; 3/7/24
Grand opening, grand closing. Hospice providers began to work with Medicare Advantage (MA) via the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) demonstration in 2021. At the end of 2024, the “hospice carve-in” model will cease. ... In this week’s exclusive, members-only HHCN+ Update, I dive into what CMS’ ditching of the hospice carve-in means for home health and hospice providers generally. I’ll also get into what it may mean for that space between home-based care providers and MA plans moving forward. 

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