I have little time left. I hope my goodbye inspires you.

03/12/24 at 02:00 AM

I have little time left. I hope my goodbye inspires you. 
The Washington Post, by Amy Ettinger; 3/9/24 
This past summer, at age 49, I was diagnosed with a rare, incurable cancer called leiomyosarcoma. ... My symptoms were getting worse. I had swelling in my abdomen and legs that couldn’t be treated. After a while, I could no longer walk up the stairs of my house. I decided I wanted comfort, and this week I made the decision to transition to hospice. After choosing this path, I reflected on some of the things I was able to do since my diagnosis: ... People are often afraid when they hear the word “hospice,” but for me it’s been a positive experience. 
Editor's Note: This inspiring personal story is about choosing hospice care; it is not about Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). Requires access to The Washington Post. 

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