Jimmy Carter has spent over a year in hospice care. How has he defied the odds?

03/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Jimmy Carter has spent over a year in hospice care. How has he defied the odds? 
Northeastern Global News, by Tanner Stening; 3/12/24 
End-of-life advocates and experts cite Carter’s stay in hospice as having a positive impact on the discourse of end-of-life care, which Northeastern University experts say many people put off until it’s too late. ... According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 90% of patients who enter hospice care die within the first six months. Roughly 36% of patients die within a week of entering hospice.
Editor's Note: This article includes an important, transparent piece of information that many articles about President Carter's 1-year hospice anniversary have not mentioned: "If the patient lives past six months, the medical professionals would need to recertify the patient for continued care." Click here for the CMS "Face-to-Face Requirement Affecting Hospice Recertification."

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