5 steps to cutting the red tape that adds to doctor burnout

04/18/24 at 03:00 AM

5 steps to cutting the red tape that adds to doctor burnout 
American Medical Association (AMA), by Sara Berge, MS; 4/16/24 
... Reducing burnout is essential to high-quality patient care and a sustainable health system. The AMA measures and responds to physician burnout, helping drive solutions and interventions. ... Dr. [Kevin] Hopkins identified the five steps below to get rid of regulatory make-work that interferes with patient care and contributes to physician burnout.

  • Identify regulatory burdens ...
  • Sort and prioritize the issues ... 
  • Clarify the confusion ...
  • Make the change ...
  • Quantify the impact ...

[Click on the title's link for more information and AMA resources.]

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