[Change Management] Improving governance and compliance with knowledge management

04/25/24 at 02:00 AM

[Change Management] Improving governance and compliance with knowledge management
Outsourced Pharma; Guest Column by Irwin Hirsh; 4/23/24
Knowledge management and knowledge sharing provide powerful levers for removing obstacles to business success. Here, ... I want to raise awareness of how knowledge management supports the demands of compliance and governance. ... [Includes:]

  • Customer-Centric, Yes, But Who Is Your Customer? ...
  • Process Level and System Level Governance ...
    • Process level ...
    • System level ...
  • Change Management ... [well-communicated X-matrix with easy-to-access digital bowling charts ...]
  • Obstacles to Implementation ...
  • Knowledge Sharing ...
  • Mutual Respect ...
  • Enable Continuous Improvement ...
  • Cross Business Lines ... 
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