Missoula's first end-of-life center taking shape amid fundraising

04/26/24 at 03:00 AM

Missoula's first end-of-life center taking shape amid fundraising 
MissoulaCurrent; by Martin Kidston; 4/24/24 
... Missoula's first dedicated hospice center broke ground last June and is well on its way to opening early next year. The 15,000 square-foot facility has been planned down to the finest detail, from the play of lighting and sound in each room to a reflection center, with end-of-life literature and bereavement support for families. “Missoula has one of the fastest aging and oldest populations in the country. Not only that, we have a vast expanse of area to cover,” said Amanda Melro [Executive Director, Partners of Hope Foundation] . “People live in rural areas and they also live alone. Having a place like this where a family knows they'll be well-taken care of is a huge asset for them. We expect there will be a large demand for the beds.”

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