1st state passes law to decriminalize medical errors

04/29/24 at 02:15 AM

1st state passes law to decriminalize medical errors 
Becker's Hospital Review; by Erica Carbajal; 4/25/24
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear recently signed a bill into law that shields healthcare providers from being criminally charged for medical errors, making it the first state to do so. HB 159 ensures that healthcare providers, including nurses, "shall be immune from criminal liability for any harm or damages alleged to arise from an act or omission relating to the provision of health services." It includes exceptions for negligence and intentional harm. ... In wake of [this article's cited] case, nurses and medical groups nationwide — including the American Nurses Association and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement — have called for systemwide workforce and safety reforms to focus on harm prevention, arguing that the criminalization of errors would discourage workers from reporting mistakes. ... The Kentucky Hospital Association said it supports the new law.

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