Letter: Volunteers make a difference in community

04/30/24 at 03:15 AM

Letter: Volunteers make a difference in community 
The Meadville Tribune - Meadville, PA; by Melissa Swartwood; 4/27/24
Our community is at its best when we come together to help others in a time of need. At Hospice of Crawford County, trained volunteers give their time, attention and compassion to help people and families facing the end of life to live as fully as possible. ... Our volunteers specialize in various areas of service, [many examples given]... As we wrap up Volunteer Month ... Hospice of Crawford County would like to show appreciation for our volunteer team. ... Across the United States, more than 430,000 hospice volunteers give over 19 million hours of service every year. Every single volunteer deserves our appreciation and grateful acknowledgement.
Editor's Note: We highlight this example of both thanking hospice volunteers and raising community awareness about hospice volunteer opportunities. From Hospice & Palliative Care Today to your organization, we celebrate and thank your volunteers!

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