The iconic stethoscope is getting a 21st century makeover

04/08/24 at 03:00 AM

The iconic stethoscope is getting a 21st century makeover
Managed Healthcare Executive, by Peter Wehrwein; 4/4/24 
Two years ago, a pair of New Zealand physicians wrote an opinion piece in a peer-reviewed journal of the Royal Australasian of Physicians about point-of-care ultrasound. The gist of their argument was that ultrasound ought to be used more routinely to detect various heart and lung conditions. The somewhat cheeky title of that article is “Update on Echocardiography: Do We Still Need a Stethoscope?” Jason Bellet has spent more than a decade making pretty much the opposite case: Not only do healthcare professionals still need a stethoscope, they need a vastly improved, 21st century version that harnesses digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

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