Potential progress at Optum Tri-State complicated by corporate care crisis: 'It's bonuses for bodies'

05/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Potential progress at Optum Tri-State complicated by corporate care crisis: 'It's bonuses for bodies' 
The Examiner News; by Adam Stone; 5/13/24 
'It's Bonuses for Bodies'
This is the 16th installment in an investigative series, launched in December 2022, about CareMount/Optum/UnitedHealth and broader concerns about corporate medical care. ... I know this piece is a long ride to the larger point but buckle up and pretend you’re reading a few book chapters instead of a newspaper column, because all of the context matters, and interconnects. ... 

  • 'Preferably on Hospice': ... the group would give bonuses to medical professionals linked to end-of-life care.
  • “It’s bonuses for bodies,” a medical staffer told me ...
  • 'Palliative Pathway': Insiders said the unsettling reality of financially-incentivized patient care features coercive company tactics, subjective criteria for hospice qualification and attempts to rebrand the bonuses as a palliative care incentive, all under the implied threat of professional retaliation for staff who don’t comply.
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