5 tips to support employees with unexpected illness or disability

05/16/24 at 03:00 AM

5 tips to support employees with unexpected illness or disability 
Forbes; by Diane Winiarski; 5/14/24 
When employees experience an unexpected illness or a disabling condition, it can be traumatic for them and unsettling for their managers. It is important for employers to demonstrate support and an understanding of each situation. Another way to show support is by pointing them to the federal disability program created to help in this specific instance. ... These five suggestions can help managers be better equipped to support their team members who are dealing with illnesses, accidents or disabilities.

  1. Be Compassionate and Listen ...
  2. Cross-train Your Team ...
  3. Maximize Benefits ...
  4. Stay Informed About the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ...
  5. Offer Reasonable Accommodations ...
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