20 states with most rural hospital closures

05/02/24 at 03:00 AM

20 states with most rural hospital closures 
Hospital CFO Report; by Molly Gamble; 4/29/24 
Since 2005, 192 hospitals in rural America have shut down, and the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated rural hospitals' risk of closure. Eight rural hospitals closed in 2023, as many as in 2022 and 2021 combined, according to the report. This followed a landmark 18 rural hospital closures in 2020, more than any year in the previous decade. [Click on the title's link for] 

  • a listing of the states that have seen the greatest number of rural hospital closures over the past 19 years 
  • ... 25 states ranked by the percentage of their rural hospitals at risk of closure in the next two to three years maximum
  • The report from CHQPR assessing each state's rural hospital health and risks.
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