Hospice and the care continuum: Achieving Age-Friendly Care

05/28/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospice and the care continuum: Achieving Age-Friendly Care
Hospice News; by Jack Silverstein; 5/23/24
When Jennifer Hale thinks of age-friendly care in hospice, her mind goes first to what might seem an unusual place: man’s best friend. As the VP of Clinical Quality and Standards of hospice provider Compassus, Hale views age-friendly care as an approach to care that is “focused specifically on the needs of people as they age in their home setting,” she says. That means hospice providers listen to what their patients need and want to make them comfortable and give them dignity at the end of life. Compassus uses its clinical assessment not just to capture a patient’s health information but also to inform their goals, hopes and fears. “Age-friendly care certification was another way for us to validate our care model,” Hale says. “We worked with Homecare Homebase to implement their person-centered care plan which actually further validated the approach to care that we were already taking.”

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