6 lessons I learned from inheriting a parent’s house

05/08/24 at 03:00 AM

6 lessons I learned from inheriting a parent’s house 
Bankrate; by Linda Bell; 5/3/24 
Inheriting a house is a bittersweet, overwhelming experience. I remember receiving the deed that transferred ownership of my mother’s home to me and my siblings. I felt a whirlwind of emotions: sadness that my mother was gone, relief that the complicated process was over and trepidation for the enormous responsibilities that lay ahead. Along with those feelings was the compelling need to honor her legacy. Here are six lessons I learned from inheriting my mother’s house. ...

  1. Discuss estate planning with your parents while you can ...
  2. A will should be an evolving document ...
  3. Put everything between you and the other heirs in writing ...
  4. Plan ahead to avoid probate ...
  5. Be prepared for financial surprises ...
  6. Inheriting a parent's house means balancing legacy with capability ...

Editor's Note: This article reminds us that while patients and caregivers / family members are dealing with a terminal illness--often--they are also navigating these kinds of decisions, conflicts, and stressors. Bereavement counselors hear the overwhelming chaos that can hijack the person's normal grieving.

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