Caring for the Caregiver: A Guide for Home Care Providers

05/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Caring for the Caregiver: A Guide for Home Care Providers 
Forbes; by Joan Ekobena; 5/8/24
This article proposes that nurturing the psychological and physical well-being of caregivers [employees] is essential. It’s not just a matter of ethical responsibility but a fundamental factor for maintaining quality care, promoting continuity of care and boosting employee retention. This can create a positive ripple effect, which can not only increase customer satisfaction but also boost business revenue. ... A recent decision by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) underscores the increasing awareness of the need to invest in caregiver wellness.
Editor's Notes: "Caregiver" denotes employees who provide home care, not the family "caregiver" in the home. Guides are listed as "Strategies for Supporting Caregiver Wellness and Mindset."

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