New AMA president says he's ready to take on big challenges facing doctors amid payment cuts and rising burnout rates

06/19/24 at 03:00 AM

New AMA president says he's ready to take on big challenges facing doctors amid payment cuts and rising burnout rates 
Fierce Healthcare; by Emma Beavins; 6/13/24 
Bruce Scott, M.D., took the reins of the American Medical Association (AMA) for his first full day on Wednesday, June 12, succeeding immediate past president Jesse Ehrenfeld, M.D. ... During his tenure, Scott said he wants to emphasize the things that unite providers rather than the things that divide them. ... Some of the AMA’s biggest policy priorities include reducing prior authorization, bolstering Medicare payments for physicians and tamping down on increased scope of practice by non-physician providers. Scott said he hopes to follow in the steps of Ehrenfeld in engaging policymakers on these topics. In addition to banding together on those cross-discipline issues, Scott wants to advocate for rural clinics. 

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