Supporting the Sandwich Generation: Taking care of the caregiver

06/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Supporting the Sandwich Generation: Taking care of the caregiver 
The Examiner News, Mount Kisco, NY; by Mary K. Spengler; 6/25/24 
Many Westchester residents struggle to find a balance between work and home responsibilities. Those who fall in the “sandwich generation,” typically qualified as those in their 30s or 40s, can find themselves with the unique role of bringing up their dependent children while also caring for their aging parents, all while juggling their careers. Multigenerational needs became even more pressing during the pandemic, with record numbers of adult children moving back home, younger children having to switch to virtual or hybrid learning and elderly parents needing new forms of care. Sandwich generation caregivers provide an important source of support and love to family members, and often experience feelings of satisfaction and meaning in their lives from being in this role. However, many also feel highly strained and overwhelmed due to the emotional, physical and financial burden weighing on them. Implementing positive strategies to better care for themselves while they care for others is imperative to combating caregiver burnout. ... 
Editor's Note: Mary K. Spengler is a registered nurse and social worker and serves as CEO of Hospice of Westchester.


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