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All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Caregivers - Caregiving.”
Still Waters Hospice hosts "Sweet Treats Celebration" for Valentine’s Day
02/19/25 at 03:00 AMStill Waters Hospice hosts "Sweet Treats Celebration" for Valentine’s Day ABC KLAX 31, Alexandria, LA; by Sarah Drell; 2/17/25Still Waters Hospice in Alexandria, Louisiana, hosted a "Sweet Treats Celebration" on Valentine’s Day, bringing joy to patients and their families. ... Sarah Zito, Owner, Nurse Practitioner, and Administrator of Still Waters explained why they hosted this lovely event. “We wanted to put this on today because not everyone's Valentine's Day looks the same. And we have a lot of people in our community that are celebrating their first Valentine's Day without their loved ones. And we have a roomful of people and that situation. And so we wanted to take this opportunity and show them that they are still love and we value them and we grieve with them.” ... The "Sweet Treats Celebration" was more than just an event; it served as a testament to the hospice’s dedication to holistic care.
St. Francis Hospice hosts Sweetheart Lunch for those grieving lost partners
02/18/25 at 03:20 AMSt. Francis Hospice hosts Sweetheart Lunch for those grieving lost partners Fox 23 News, Tulsa, OK; 2/14/25 St. Francis Hospice in partnership with Moore Fitzgerald Funeral Service hosted their Sweetheart Lunch to help those grieving a lost partner or spouse on Valentine's Day. "We're having a Valentine's Day party—we call it Sweetheart Lunch—for people that have lost a loved one during the past year, most often a spouse," explained Joseph Moore, the owner of Moore Fitzgerald Funeral Service. "Valentine's Day is such a difficult time for people that have recently lost a spouse. There are so many memories associated with Valentine's Day and so forth. We just want to provide a place where they'll feel loved and not alone today." Charlie Dodd, a bereavement coordinator with St. Francis Hospice, said events like this give people a sense of community during a difficult time.
Witnessing a living funeral
02/18/25 at 03:10 AMWitnessing a living funeral Parkview Health; by Tim O'Sullivan, MA, Spiritual and Social Services Supervisor, Parkview Hospice; 2/16/25 ... Rather than planning services after they pass and miss out on a gathering of the people who are most precious to them, some are choosing to schedule a "funeral" while they are still living so they can be a part of the ceremony. These events are known as Living Funerals. As a hospice caregiver, I have seen a rise in the number of these pre-death celebrations of life. While this may not be for everyone, it can be a meaningful experience for those who have chosen to remember a life in this way. I was invited to one of these events and witnessed firsthand the power of acknowledging death while fully living in the moment. ... [Click on the title's link to continue reading.]
Hearts for Hospice showers patients with love
02/18/25 at 03:00 AMHearts for Hospice showers patients with love Davidson Local, Davidson County, NC; 2/14/25 As people prepare to shower each other with love each Valentine's Day, the annual Hearts for Hospice provides comforting packages to more than 350 patients and families. Staff says that the community initiative is a highly regarded event at [Hospice of Davidson County] HODC, eagerly anticipated by volunteers and staff each year. This Valentine-themed event begins with contributions of sweet treats, stuffed animal items, and personal care items donated by individuals, civic groups, and the business community. Following the drop-offs, a team assembles Valentine-themed goodie bags filled with delightful treats. These lovingly prepared gifts are then delivered to participating patients throughout the service area on Valentine’s Day, creating an opportunity to spread joy, warmth and affection.
Americans who’ve become caregivers rose by a third in 10 years
02/18/25 at 03:00 AMAmericans who’ve become caregivers rose by a third in 10 years The Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction, CO; 2/14/25 A growing numbers of family members now provide care for older adults who live at home or in residential care settings, a new study shows. Their ranks increased 32%, from 18.2 million to 24.1 million, between 2011 and 2022, according to new research in the journal Health Affairs. The number of hours that these folks spent caring for older adults with dementia jumped by nearly 50%, from an average 21.4 hours per week in 2011 to 31 hours in 2022. Exactly what is driving the increase in family or unpaid caregiving is not fully understood, but researchers speculate that it may be due to a rise in the number of people who live with the folks who they assist. For the study, researchers culled data from the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) and the National Study of Caregiving (NSOC) in 2011 and 2022.
Death Matters: The gift of presence: Tips for visiting someone who is dying
02/17/25 at 03:00 AMDeath Matters: The gift of presence: Tips for visiting someone who is dying Squim Gazette, Squim, WA; by Jeanette Stehr-Green, Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County; 2/12/25 We sometimes avoid visiting friends or family members who are terminally ill. We make lots of excuses. We don’t know what to say. We don’t know how to act. We don’t want to be a bother. The hard truth is that dying, the final stage of life, can be a lonely experience without the presence of family and friends. A visit during this time can bring comfort to the dying person and their family. It can also provide an opportunity to share feelings, reminisce, and say goodbye. Visiting a dying person seems difficult because most of us lack experience. It only takes a little courage and a few ideas to create a meaningful moment. ... Editor's note: These excellent guidelines empower hospice patients' families and friends--and protect patients' vulnerable energies and emotions--in multiple settings across the trajectory of dying. How might you adapt these for your own patient/caregiver support and community outreach?
The number of family caregivers helping older US adults increased from 18 million to 24 million, 2011–22
02/17/25 at 03:00 AMThe number of family caregivers helping older US adults increased from 18 million to 24 million, 2011–22 Health Affairs; by Jennifer L. Wolff, Jennifer C. Cornman, and Vick A. Freedman; 2/25 The evolving composition and experiences of the family caregiver workforce have profound ramifications for public policy but are not well understood. Drawing on the linked National Health and Aging Trends Study and National Study of Caregiving, we found that the numbers of family caregivers providing help to older adults increased by nearly six million between 2011 and 2022, rising from 18.2 million to 24.1 million. ... For family caregivers as a whole, challenges persist, and for those assisting people with dementia, tailored surveillance and effective support programs are needed.
How to help caregivers of patients with dementia
02/14/25 at 03:00 AMHow to help caregivers of patients with dementia Physician's Weekly; by Linda Girgis, MD, FAAP; 2/13/25 Dr. Linda Girgis discusses how physicians can assist caregivers of patients with dementia, helping these critical caretakers avoid experiencing burnout. ... As doctors, we all have witnessed caregiver burnout. Often, it was a family member who bore the brunt of the responsibility, one for whom there were no vacation days or sick time available. Whatever specialty we practice, we know patients with dementia can present a significant problem. ... How can we assist caregivers of patients with dementia?
Aging for Amateurs: Valentine's Day brings out the poetry of aging in love
02/14/25 at 03:00 AMAging for Amateurs: Valentine's Day brings out the poetry of aging in love The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC ; by Bert Keller; 2/10/2 The week of Valentine’s Day breathes love. Many elders have lived through love’s changing seasons consciously, experiencing what an alive, evolving, hazardous and soul-satisfying thing love is. ... In every long love, the emotional part undergoes a change as the stages of life are lived through. Marriage begins like a bonfire that melts and merges us: our togetherness wants no separation. Then it eases into a practical fire for cooking meals and washing dishes — those years of getting up with the baby, balancing the books, taking out the garbage. ... And then in old age ... love is less a feeling alongside other feelings, and more a shared sense of being with the other. My wife calls it “with-ness.” ... What was transactional in an earlier stage has become grace. After retirement I volunteered to do chaplaincy with a local hospice. I recall a moment sitting at the bedside of a 93-year-old man whose memory was erased by Alzheimer’s disease. He was now dying ... His wife, who also had Alzheimer’s and was no longer capable of much conversation, sat in a wheelchair by his bed and held his hand. She kept repeating to me, tears flowing, “We’ve been married for 73 years, you know.” It was a kind of mantra. How could I know what it’s like to be at the deathbed of a partner with whom you’ve intimately shared 73 years of life? All the stories, all the peaks and valleys, of such a lifetime? ... Editor's note: May we listen and learn.
Father of 3 stages 'Grief Photo Shoot' to remember wife who died of cancer (exclusive)
02/14/25 at 02:00 AMFather of 3 stages 'Grief Photo Shoot' to remember wife who died of cancer (exclusive): CJ Infantino and his late wife Ariana were high school sweethearts People; by Jordan Greene; 2/13/25 There are many moments forever etched in CJ Infantino’s memory, but one stands out above the rest. It was Sept. 5, 2020, when CJ and his wife, Ariana, sat their three kids down at the kitchen table in their California home and told them that Ariana, 35, was going to die. ... Ariana was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2015 — coincidentally, on CJ’s 30th birthday. "We spent the next five-and-a-half years trying to live as much life as we could. We wanted to pack 30 years into 10," CJ says. ... After her last breath, he recalls that everyone "just went silent." ... Right away, the father of three felt isolated, as if no one could relate to his experience. He found that the things people said were often unhelpful and, at times, unintentionally harmful. ... "I really just wanted to show my kids that, even though she’s not physically here, it’s okay to talk about her. We’re still allowed to laugh, even when we’re in so much pain," he says. "I remember the first moment I laughed or felt a hint of joy, and I thought, 'Are we allowed to do this?' " ... [Click on the title's link for the inspirational story and family photos before and after Ariana's death.]
As I held my dying daughter’s hand, what did I feel? Immense pride in a young woman who – despite a lifetime of complex special needs – taught us that perfection comes in many different guises
02/11/25 at 03:15 AMAs I held my dying daughter’s hand, what did I feel? Immense pride in a young woman who – despite a lifetime of complex special needs – taught us that perfection comes in many different guises Express Digest -; 2/7/25 As I held my dying daughter's hand, what did I feel? Immense pride in a young woman who – despite a lifetime of complex special needs – taught us that perfection comes in many different guises. ... There is no doubt that without her, our own lives might have been easier and much less of an emotional roller-coaster – yet they would also have been so much poorer. For she introduced us to the richness of worlds and wonderful people that we might never have encountered without her. ... Iona showed that life was for living, despite her disabilities and health struggles. She fuelled my compassion, smoothed my sharper edges and gave me courage ...
'We’re seeing these struggles.' Rainbow works to support end-of-life caregivers
02/11/25 at 03:00 AM'We’re seeing these struggles.' Rainbow works to support end-of-life caregivers Daily Jefferson County Union, Jefferson, WI; by Hannah Brock; 2/10/25 Rainbow Community Care is facing a growing need in Dodge and Jefferson counties: the overwhelming burden placed on caregivers, both family members and healthcare workers, as they navigate end-of-life care. “There’s this need in the community to support caregivers, where whoever they are,” said Carol Brown, president and CEO of Rainbow Community Care. The backbone of the healthcare system isn’t just hospitals or insurance plans—it’s the unpaid, often invisible labor of family caregivers. ... The newest initiative, the respite care program, is being designed to give caregivers much-needed breaks. Many family caregivers go months—or even years—without a full night’s rest, a doctor’s visit for themselves, or even an afternoon off, according to Rainbow Community Care. To help address this, Rainbow Community Care secured the necessary funding for the program.
What we talk about, or not, when talking about death
02/11/25 at 03:00 AMWhat we talk about, or not, when talking about death Enumclaw Courier-Herald; by Wire Service; 2/9/25 Death is a guarantee for everyone, so why do people shy away from talking about it and using words like death and dying? ... As a death doula and grief coach, Kathleen Putnam hopes that providing care to those who are grieving can help change the language surrounding death. ... Putnam explains that in present society, people want to avoid grief and pain. With medical advancements and industries and marketing systems focusing on keeping people alive, the rhetoric surrounding dying has become negative. Putnam also pointed out that instead of using phrases like “they died” or “they’re dying,” other phrases like “pass away” and “they went to sleep” have become popular when talking about a loss.
Family caregivers who support older relatives are on the rise due to aging-in-place preferences
02/07/25 at 03:00 AMFamily caregivers who support older relatives are on the rise due to aging-in-place preferences HousingWire; by Chris Clow; 2/5/25 The number of family caregivers who support older relatives in either home-based or residential care settings increased by 32% between 2011 and 2022 ... Researchers also say this could be partially tied to rising preferences for aging in place. This is according to a joint study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. Additional support came from the National Institute on Aging, a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The raw number increase went from 18.2 million in 2011 to 24.1 million in 2022. The study also found that the number of care hours provided by family and other unpaid caregivers increased by 50% during that time. The average number of weekly hours for such care stood at 21.4 in 2011, but it jumped to 31 in 2022, nine hours short of what is widely considered a full-time weekly work schedule.
New report details financial, emotional toll of Parkinson’s on family caregivers
02/07/25 at 03:00 AMNew report details financial, emotional toll of Parkinson’s on family caregivers McKnights Home Care; by Foster Stubbs; 2/4/25 A new report sheds a light on the unique challenges faced by family caregivers who care for loved ones with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The report, Parkinson’s Disease Caregiving in the US, features insights from secondary analysis and supplementary interviews with 10 PD caregivers. These caregivers average 31 hours of unpaid care per week; half of interviewed caregivers exceed 100 hours each week, according to the report. The National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC), with support from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) and Arcadia University, released the report.
No one should die alone. A Cape Fear Valley initiative aims to make that true for patients
02/06/25 at 03:00 AMNo one should die alone. A Cape Fear Valley initiative aims to make that true for patients The Fayetteville Observer, Fayetteville, NC; by Lizmary Evans; 2/5/25 No one should take their last breath alone, and the mission of a new volunteer group at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center will make sure that doesn't happen. The No One Dies Alone program, an internationally recognized initiative that began in 2001 at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Eugene, Oregon, provides trained companions to sit with dying patients who do not have loved ones available during their final moments, according to a news release. ... "Sitting at the bedside of another human being, keeping awake and alert — it’s a vigil," [Mary Draughn, the hospice patient care manager at Valley Hospice House in Fayetteville] said last week. "This vigil provides comfort, meaning, resolution and peace to both the dying person and the companion."
How to prepare children for hardships and tragedies
02/06/25 at 03:00 AMGarlock: How to prepare children for hardships and tragedies The Citizen; by Dr. Victor Garlock; 2/4/25 All of us must face hardships and tragedies. How well we are able to get through difficult times is a major factor affecting the overall quality of our lives. Sometimes these challenges arrive individually, as in a sudden serious illness, an accident, or the death of a loved one. Sometimes — as in last fall’s devastating floods in North Carolina or the recent wildfires in Southern California — entire communities must find a way to move forward. ... Resilience is the capacity to recover from challenges and adversity. Tragic optimism is the determination to remain optimistic and find meaning and purpose in the face of tragedy. [With children:]
Advice on navigating complex caregiving
02/05/25 at 03:00 AMAdvice on navigating complex caregiving Philadelphia Corporation for Aging; by Jay Nachman; 2/3/25 The biggest challenge for someone taking care of a parent or loved one is “accepting your loved one for who they are now. Not who you knew them to be,” said Dr. Kiplee Bell, an internal medicine physician who has created a practice focused on caregiving. ... It’s not uncommon, according to Bell, for minority community members to live in multi-generational households. Additionally, in some homes, grandparents are raising grandchildren. Then there is the flipside, where young children are helping to take care of their older family members. And when English is not a native tongue, language barriers can preclude an adequate understanding of how to navigate the social service and health care systems. ...
Shameless star Justin Chatwin had a pivotal Law & Order role in a heartbreaking episode
02/04/25 at 03:10 AMShameless star Justin Chatwin had a pivotal Law & Order role in a heartbreaking episode NBC; by Jill Sederstrom; 1/30/25 Attorney Nolan Price found himself at odds with his brother, played by Chatwin, as the siblings were forced to make a painful decision. ... Justin Chatwin — who rose to fame on the hit comedy-drama series Shameless — took on the role of Thomas Price, the brother of Executive Assistant District Attorney Nolan Price, in “The Hardest Thing" episode, which premiered on January 30, 2025. The siblings disagreed about how to handle their father’s failing health. ... The brothers had to decide whether they wanted to put in a feeding tube, which could prolong their dad’s life by a few months, or “manage his pain levels” to “make his passing as comfortable as possible," a doctor explained.
The Handbook of LGBTQIA-inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care, 2nd edition
01/31/25 at 03:00 AMThe Handbook of LGBTQIA-inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care, 2nd edition Review in Ageing & Society, published online by Cambridge University Press; book authored by Kimberly D. Acquavia, review authored by Luis Stoisser; 1/23/25 The Handbook of LGBTQIA-inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care is a comprehensive guide to providing inclusive palliative and hospice care to everyone, regardless of their self-identification. Following the author's belief that LGBTQIA+ hospice and palliative care requires change at three levels - individual, institutional and systemic - the book extends state-of-the-art palliative and hospice practices (US focused) by including LGBTQIA+ perspectives. Such a rethinking educates hospice and palliative care practitioners on how to provide person-centered care, how to be self-reflexive on a daily basis and how to handle their own stereotypes and stigmas. [This book is available via Columbia University Press and Amazon.]
Behind the scenes: Caring for the caregivers
01/31/25 at 03:00 AMBehind the scenes: Caring for the caregivers Harvard Magazine; by Lydialyel Gibson; 1/30/25 When I was in seventh grade, my best friend’s father was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. He was in his late 50s. ... My sharpest memories from that time are of my friend’s shock and grief as her father deteriorated, and of her mother’s incredible stamina. ... That was more than 30 years ago. ... [When] I heard about the work of Christine Ritchie, a geriatrician and palliative care physician who studies the caregiver experience, I knew I wanted to talk to her. Ritchie directs the Dementia Care Collaborative at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and teaches at Harvard Medical School, and has been doing this research for decades. ... The caregivers are the heart of this story. Across the country there are more than 11 million other people like them, who continue to fill these difficult, precious, necessary roles. [Click on the title's link to continue reading this important article.]
Caring for a dying spouse at the end of life
01/28/25 at 03:00 AMCaring for a dying spouse at the end of life
Concurrent Care Collaborative a safety net for pediatric patients
01/28/25 at 03:00 AMConcurrent Care Collaborative a safety net for pediatric patients Noozhawk, Santa Barbara, CA; by Easter Moorman; 1/26/25 Partners for Kids has initiated Santa Barbara County’s first Pediatric Concurrent Care Collaborative designed to offer comprehensive, compassionate, and coordinated care to seriously ill children from birth to 21 years of age. Spearheaded by Kieran Shah, president/CEO of VNA Health, and Rebecca Simonitsch, Quality Initiatives Program manager for Cottage Health, nine local organizations have joined to create a safety net for pediatric patients and their families to help them receive care close to home. The groups are: CenCal Health, Central Coast Home Health & Hospice, Cottage Children’s Medical Center, Dignity Health, Hearts Aligned, Herencia Indígena, Hospice of Santa Barbara, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation, and VNA Health.
Hospice of Savannah awarded grant for safety improvements
01/28/25 at 03:00 AMHospice of Savannah awarded grant for safety improvements NBC WSAV Savannah News, Savannah, GA; by Eric Dorsch; 1/27/25 Hospice of Savannah Inc. (HSI) has announced it has been awarded a grant for repairs and home modifications. HSI will receive $1,999,111 in Older Adults Home Modification Program grant funding to complete safety and functional home modifications and limited repairs in the primary residences of two hundred eligible homeowners and renters over age 62 with low income. The work aims to improve general safety, increase accessibility, reduce falls, and improve residents’ functional abilities in the home for their safe and successful aging in place.
Children’s book written by Manheim Township mother finally published 3 years after she died of cancer [video]
01/28/25 at 02:00 AMChildren’s book written by Manheim Township mother finally published 3 years after she died of cancer [video] LNP Lancaster Online, Lancaster, PA; by John Walk; 1/27/25 As she battled a rare sarcoma cancer over the last two years of her life, Manheim Township resident Ginny McCreary struggled to find a children’s book she could read to her two young daughters to help them better understand what she was going through. So McCreary wrote the book herself, sometimes on a smartphone while laying in bed late at night, ... McCreary died Aug. 15, 2021. She was 34. She left behind a self-published manuscript of the children’s book that sat idle for about two years but was not forgotten. ... The book has also made its way inside four Hospice & Community Care locations in Lancaster as well as Penn Medicine’s Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute in East Hempfield Township. [Video with Ginny's mother] "I'd love to get it to some cancer centers and hospice centers ..." [Click on the title's link for more information.]