6 guidelines from ASCO on AI, cancer care

07/05/24 at 03:00 AM

6 guidelines from ASCO on AI, cancer care 
Becker's Hospital Review; by Ashleigh Hollowell; 6/25/24 
Leaders at the American Society of Clinical Oncology published a formal document June 25 that outlines what the group deems as the most appropriate use of artificial intelligence when it comes to clinical oncology care. ... When considering AI technology for oncological care, the American Society of Clinical Oncology says clinicians should keep the following principles in mind to guide their use: 

  1. Transparency ...
  2. Inform Stakeholders ...
  3. Equity and Fairness ...
  4. Accountability ...
  5. Oversight and Privacy ...
  6. Human-Centered Application ... 
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