National health expenditure projections, 2023–32: Payer trends diverge as pandemic-related policies fade

07/06/24 at 03:25 AM

National health expenditure projections, 2023–32: Payer trends diverge as pandemic-related policies fade 
Health Affairs - Research Article - Costs & Spending; by Jacqueline A. FioreAndrew J. MadisonJohn A. PoisalGigi A. CucklerSheila D. SmithAndrea M. SiskoSean P. KeehanKathryn E. Rennie, and Alyssa C. Gross; 6/12/24 
Health care spending growth is expected to outpace that of the gross domestic product (GDP) during the coming decade, resulting in a health share of GDP that reaches 19.7 percent by 2032 (up from 17.3 percent in 2022). National health expenditures are projected to have grown 7.5 percent in 2023, when the COVID-19 public health emergency ended. This reflects broad increases in the use of health care, which is associated with an estimated 93.1 percent of the population being insured that year. ... Amonth eh major payers, Medicare has the highest projected ten-year average spending growth rath, mainly because of enrollment into the program. [Click on the title's link to examine this article's content and tables.]

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