Current challenges in neurocritical care: A narrative review

01/04/25 at 03:20 AM

Current challenges in neurocritical care: A narrative review
World Neurosurgery; Safa Kaleem, William T. Harris II, Stephanie Oh, Judy H. Ch'ang; 1/25
Neurocritical care as a field aims to treat patients who are neurologically critically ill due to a variety of pathologies. As a recently developed subspecialty, the field faces challenges, several of which are outlined in this review ... [including confusion around] brain death testing or the diagnosis of brain death itself ... Given these difficult scenarios encountered in the neuro-ICU, conversations with patients’ decision-makers are often done with the assistance of palliative care services ... the most common reasons for palliative care consultation in the neuro-ICU were discussing prognosis, eliciting patient and family values, understanding medical options, and identifying conflict. Collaboration with hospital chaplains and palliative care services can be helpful, but cultural humility also needs to be a priority for neurocritical care providers to be able to navigate difficult conversations.

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