Hearts for Hospice showers patients with love

02/18/25 at 03:00 AM

Hearts for Hospice showers patients with love 
Davidson Local, Davidson County, NC; 2/14/25 
As people prepare to shower each other with love each Valentine's Day, the annual Hearts for Hospice provides comforting packages to more than 350 patients and families. Staff says that the community initiative is a highly regarded event at [Hospice of Davidson County] HODC, eagerly anticipated by volunteers and staff each year. This Valentine-themed event begins with contributions of sweet treats, stuffed animal items, and personal care items donated by individuals, civic groups, and the business community. Following the drop-offs, a team assembles Valentine-themed goodie bags filled with delightful treats. These lovingly prepared gifts are then delivered to participating patients throughout the service area on Valentine’s Day, creating an opportunity to spread joy, warmth and affection.

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