As hospitalists’ role grows, so do the ethical dilemmas

02/19/25 at 03:00 AM

As hospitalists’ role grows, so do the ethical dilemmas 
Medscape; by Donavyn Coffey; 2/17/25 
Margot Eves, JD, clinical ethicist for Cleveland Clinic, was called in for an emergency consult: A man in his early 50s was asking doctors to take him off the ventilator. Just 24 hours before, the man with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) okayed the life-saving treatment. The hospitalist over his care expected him to come off the ventilator in a few days, but 24 hours was too soon. He wouldn’t survive. With head nods and in writing the patient signaled that he was fully aware — he understood this would end his life. Eves was called in to help weigh the options: Honor the patient’s wishes or help him survive. These kinds of ethical dilemmas have become common to the burgeoning hospitalist profession. ....

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