[UK] Efficacy of music-based intervention for people living with dementia in an inpatient setting: A pilot study
[UK] Efficacy of music-based intervention for people living with dementia in an inpatient setting: A pilot study
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease; Neha Abeywickrama, Mel N Ellul Miraval, Hari Subramaniam, Qadeer Arshad, Stephanie Pollard, Geeta Chauhan, Shifa Jussab, Elizabeta B Mukaetova-Ladinska; 1/25
Pharmacological treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia is of limited benefit. The addition of non-pharmacological interventions is often essential for optimal symptom control. Clinical professionals can successfully deliver music-based intervention to inpatients with advanced dementia to help manage their behavioral symptoms in the short term. Music-based interventions' use for inpatient wards must be further investigated as an economical and personalized non-pharmacological therapeutic tool for patients with dementia.
Editor's note: For a wealth of additional research on music therapy and dementia, explore the Journal of Music Therapy, published by Oxford University Press. Type "dementia" in its search engine, and sort by "Date - Newest First."