Care fragmentation, care continuity, and care coordination—How they differ and why it matters

01/31/24 at 04:00 AM

Viewpoint: Care fragmentation, care continuity, and care coordination—How they differ and why it matters
JAMA Intern Med., by Lisa M. Kern, MD, MPHJulie P. W. Bynum, MD, MPHHarold Alan Pincus, MD; 1/29/24
Health care in the US is characterized by fragmentation, with many patients seeing multiple physicians. Indeed, 35% of Medicare beneficiaries saw 5 or more physicians in 2019.1 Having multiple physicians may be appropriate, but it may also lead to medical errors, unnecessary visits, avoidable hospitalizations, and suboptimal care if all of the physicians do not have complete information about the patient and each other’s care plans.

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