Rosalynn Carter Institute redefines caregiving field with the launch of research informed profiles of experiences of caregiving©

10/16/24 at 03:00 AM

Rosalynn Carter Institute redefines caregiving field with the launch of research informed profiles of experiences of caregiving© 
BusinessWire - Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers, Americus, GA; by Ava Jafarmadar; 10/15/24 
The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI) today announced the launch of the Profiles of Experiences of Caregiving© (Caregiver Profiles©), an innovative framework that leads within the caregiver field by reimagining and elevating family caregivers, so they are better seen, understood, and supported. Developed in partnership with Duke University through an extensive review of over 10,000 research papers and comprehensive caregiver focus groups, these profiles shift the focus from the care recipient’s diagnosis to the caregiver’s unique experience. This new approach aims to provide more tailored, holistic support to the over 105 million people in the United States who are actively engaged in family caregiving. 

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