31 Photos and stories that show how expensive it is to die in America

12/23/24 at 03:00 AM

31 Photos and stories that show how expensive it is to die in America 
Buzz Feed; by Hannah Marder; 12/20/24 

  1. This person's mother's health insurance refused to cover the care she received as she was dying, and so a dead woman was billed $275,000. ...
  2. God forbid you end up in the hospital for weeks before you pass — that'll cost over a million. ...
  3. Imagine losing a loved one to COVID and then receiving this bill. ...
  4. All this person received was CPR — which didn't work, and he died anyway — and they got billed. ...
  5. The same thing happened to this person. The hospital charged for CPR and other measures even though he was DOA. ...
  6. [Click on the title's link to view these photos and read these stories.]
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