Increasing awareness of hospice services among Latinos on the border

12/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Increasing awareness of hospice services among Latinos on the border 
YouTube - Borderzine Reporting across fronteras; features Hospice El Paso; 12/25/24 
El Paso's Latino Community is seeing a rise in the use of hospice care ... Hospice in Mexico is a place and so a lot of Hispanics--true Mexicans--feel that you're going to take a loved one out of their home when it comes to hospice care. ... Latino families make up a growing portion of hospice users, reflecting national efforts in bilingual outreach and cultural sensitivity programs I had heard. The term "hospice"--I didn't know I didn't know what it meant. I didn't know what it involved but after my dad was enrolled in hospice ... I realized [that it] provided emotional and medical support ... [and] comfort that respects their cultural values. We were very fortunate that the individuals that came in that met with us beforehand and after were bilingual. I noticed that they spoke in English and in Spanish so that they would look between myself, my mom my sister to make sure we were nodding, agreeing, listening, hearing. I think that made a difference. It was very comforting. My dad at one point even said, "They gave me a bath but they didn't get the bed wet." That was our big joke and the fact that he was very comfortable. As more Hispanic families turn to hospice they're finding it offers not just medical care, but a way to honor their loved ones with dignity respect and familiar comforts in their final days.
Editor's note: For data on the Hispanic population in the areas you serve, click here for the U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts. Are you aware, the word "hospice" in Spanish means an "asylum"? Therefore, the word "paliativo" often translates our "hospice" meanings better. Using this our newsletter's sponsor Composing Life Out of Loss provides 2 Hispanic video libraries for patients' caregivers and families. Click here for information about these 10 videos for the hospice/palliative care journey, written to CAHPS Hospice themes; and 11 videos for grief care, written to contempory grief research and clinical best practices. 

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