Is extending life by weeks worth the toll some cancer drugs take? Doctors push for 'common-sense oncology'

03/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Is extending life by weeks worth the toll some cancer drugs take? Doctors push for 'common-sense oncology' 
CBC News, by Amina Zafar and Christine Birak; 3/11/24 
People may celebrate a 2-week improvement in survival without acknowledging costs. When a treatment buys a few weeks or months but comes with with a lot of side-effects, then the perspectives of people with cancer may differ, says Dr. Christopher Booth. ... The goal of what they call "common-sense oncology" is to prioritize treatments that meaningfully improve survival and quality of life. They aim to address what they see as problems in the field, such as a lack of critical thinking in oncology training, falling standards for drug approvals and avoidance of end-of-life discussions.

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