Can we make more accurate prognoses during last days of life?

03/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Can we make more accurate prognoses during last days of life?
Journal of Palliative Medicine; by Sylvie BouchardAndreea Paula IancuElena NeamtFrançois ColletteSylvie DufresnePatricia Maureen GuercinSuganthiny JeyaganthDesanka KovacinaTaliá MalagónLaurie MusgraveMarilisa RomanoJenny WongSybil Skinner-Robertson; 3/8/24
Background: ... Established methods (Palliative Performance Scale [PPS], Palliative Prognostic Index [PPI]) have been validated for intermediate- to long-term prognoses, but last-weeks-of-life prognosis has not been well studied. Patients admitted to a palliative care facility often have a life expectancy of less than three weeks. Reliable last-weeks-of-life prognostic tools are needed. 
Conclusions: ... Using SPS [Short-Term Prognosis Signs] along with PPS and PPI during the last weeks of life could enable a more precise short-term survival prediction across various end-of-life diagnoses. The translation of this research into clinical practice could lead to a better adapted treatment, the identification of a most appropriate care setting for patients, and improved communication of prognosis with patients and families.

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