No nightmares and no light at the end of the tunnel. This dream most often repeats itself before death

04/15/24 at 02:00 AM

No nightmares and no light at the end of the tunnel. This dream most often repeats itself before death 
247 News Agency; 4/12/24 
Does our subconscious know that death is inevitably approaching? Taking into account the latest research, this is quite possible. It turns out that at the end of life many people have the same dream. It’s not a nightmare at all. The topic fascinates many people. For scientists, it is still a mystery that they try to solve by talking to people who survived clinical death or were on the verge of life and death. The best example is Dr. Christopher Kerr, a cardiologist and director of Hospice and Palliative Care Center in Buffalo, ... [who researched] the dreams of patients at the end of life.

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