My Patients tell me they've had a paranormal experience. I believe them — I had one too.

04/25/24 at 03:00 AM

Patients tell me they've had a paranormal experience. I believe them — I had one too. 
MSN HuffPost; by Scott Janssen; 4/23/24 
Tank’s life has been full of conflict and strife. Now he’s stuck in a wheelchair on his back porch with me, a hospice social worker, peppering him with questions. He’s pondering my query about why he’s feeling peace about his impending death. His eyes soften as he motions with his head toward the workshop near the back fence. “You remember me telling you about my older boy?” he asks. “The one that died by suicide?” I ask. “Yeah, I remember.” “If you count my old man, I was the second-worst father that ever lived. Most of my life I figured I’d go straight to hell when I died.” ...

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