From caregiving to mourning: Navigating the end of the road as a family caregiver

05/24/24 at 03:00 AM

From caregiving to mourning: Navigating the end of the road as a family caregiver 
The San Diego Union-Tribune; by Lauren J. Mapp; 5/21/24 
... Losing a loved one is universally challenging, but for family caregivers who dedicated themselves to their care, the loss can be especially complicated. When a loved one dies, family caregivers often find themselves grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, from sorrow and grief to relief and sometimes guilt. This emotional roller coaster is compounded by the physical and emotional toll of providing round-the-clock care. ... A significant aspect of the grieving process for family caregivers is the transition from the role of caregiver to that of mourner. This shift can be jarring for many, as their identity may have been closely tied to their caregiving responsibilities. ... 
Editor's Note: For 24/7 online education for family caregivers throughout their trajectory of serious illness through hospice care and their bereavement journey, visit our sponsor Composing Life Out of Loss's Video Libraries

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