Opioid manufacturer Endo Health Solutions Inc. ordered to pay $1.536B in criminal fines and forfeiture for distributing misbranded opioid medication

05/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Opioid manufacturer Endo Health Solutions Inc. ordered to pay $1.536B in criminal fines and forfeiture for distributing misbranded opioid medication 
Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice; Press Release; 5/3/24
Endo Health Solutions Inc. (EHSI) was ordered to pay $1.086 billion in criminal fines and an additional $450 million in criminal forfeiture — the second-largest set of criminal financial penalties ever levied against a pharmaceutical company —for violations of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act related to the distribution of the opioid medication Opana ER with INTAC (Opana ER). ...

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