What does death look like for those experiencing homelessness in Southern Nevada?

06/11/24 at 03:00 AM

What does death look like for those experiencing homelessness in Southern Nevada?
Nevada Current: by Michael Lyle; 6/6/24
Though the number of unhoused who died since 2020 has spiked 79%, there is still much unknown.
The morning had just hit 96 degrees when Elizabeth Cannon sat down in a vacant lot nestled in between a church and the edge of a mostly shadeless neighborhood near Sahara and Eastern avenues. ... [Click on the title's link for more of this story.] ... Cannon was one of 333 individuals who died in 2023 who were considered homeless or transient, according to the Clark County Office of the Medical Examiner. Nevada Current examined homeless death data provided by the coroner’s office and found there has been a nearly 80% increase in the number of unhoused people who have died in Southern Nevada since 2020, when the office reported 186 deaths.
Editor's Note: What is the data for your service areas? What community agencies do you partner with? For a premier example, see the Hildegard House in Louisville, KY provides the "home" with trained volunteers who serve as "family" caregivers; Hosparus Health provides the hospice team. For related recent articles we've posted, visit the following:

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