How to choose the right hospice care - Brain & Life Magazine

06/12/24 at 02:15 AM

How to choose the right hospice care - Brain & Life Magazine 
Brain & Life; by Hallie Levine; June/July 2024 
Hospice care is designed to help patients die with dignity and provide support to their families. These tips can help ensure it does. ... [Case study examples follow.] In hospice, “the focus shifts from treating the disease to managing symptoms and maintaining quality of life,” says James Gordon, MD, FAAN, a neurologist and retired hospice and palliative care expert at the University of Washington in Seattle. “Patients and their families often get to a point where they ask themselves if the cure is causing more suffering than it's worth,” Dr. Gordon says. “If they are close to the end of life, it's often time for hospice.”
Editor's Note: We chose this article because its source, Brain & Life Magazine. This can be an excellent disease-specific resource for your serious illness, palliative, hospice, and bereavement team members. "Brain & Life is powered by more than 40,000 neurologists worldwide who are committed to keeping you and your family better informed." Visit its "Disorders A-Z: Neurologic Disorders Resource Center (" 

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